2. Choosing a Backend

Now that you have your Decap CMS files in place and configured, all that's left is to enable authentication.

To follow this guide, you need a Netlify account. If you don't have one, you can sign up for free.

You can learn about other authentication options in the Backends doc.

Setup on Netlify

Netlify offers a built-in authentication service called Identity. In order to use it, connect your site repo with Netlify. Netlify has published a general Step-by-Step Guide for this, along with detailed guides for many popular static site generators.

If you will use Netlify only for authentication, you can skip the above mentioned deployment step.

Enable Identity and Git Gateway

Netlify's Identity and Git Gateway services allow you to manage CMS admin users for your site without requiring them to have an account with your Git host or commit access on your repo. From your site dashboard on Netlify:

  1. Go to Integrations > Identity > Netlify Identity - Enable, click Enable Identity, and go to Configuration and usage.
  2. Under Registration, select Open or Invite only. In most cases, you want only invited users to access your CMS, but if you're just experimenting, you can leave it open for convenience.
  3. If you'd like to allow one-click login with services like Google and GitHub, check the boxes next to the services you'd like to use, under External providers.
  4. Scroll down to Services > Git Gateway, and click Enable Git Gateway. This authenticates with your Git host and generates an API access token. In this case, we're leaving the Roles field blank, which means any logged in user may access the CMS. For information on changing this, check the Netlify Identity documentation.

Add the Netlify Identity Widget

With the backend configured to handle authentication, now you need a frontend interface to connect to it. The open source Netlify Identity Widget is a drop-in widget made for just this purpose. To include the widget in your site, add the following script tag in one or two places, depending on the method you choose for user registration:

<script src="https://identity.netlify.com/v1/netlify-identity-widget.js"></script>

Site-wide registration

Add the script to the <head> of your CMS index page at /admin/index.html, as well as the <head> of your site's main index page. Depending on how your site generator is set up, this may mean you need to add it to the default template, or to a "partial" or "include" template. If you can find where the site stylesheet is linked, that's probably the right place. Alternatively, you can include the script in your site using Netlify's Script Injection feature.

When a user logs in with the Netlify Identity widget, an access token directs to the site homepage. In order to complete the login and get back to the CMS, redirect the user back to the /admin/ path. To do this, add the following script before the closing body tag of your site's main index page:

  if (window.netlifyIdentity) {
    window.netlifyIdentity.on("init", (user) => {
      if (!user) {
        window.netlifyIdentity.on("login", () => {
          document.location.href = "/admin/";

Admin-only registration

If you use the invite-only registration, you don't need to add the identity widget to the index page. Instead, you can invite users from the Netlify dashboard. To make this work you have to update email templates in the Netlify dashboard. Follow this guide to learn how to do it. The important part is to change the URLs from {{ siteURL }}/#... to {{ siteURL }}/admin/#.... That way all links in emails will point to the CMS page, which includes the identity widget. This method is good for performance of your frontend, because it doesn't load the identity widget on the main page.

Decap CMS

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